Lionel Sow \/ fot. \u0141ukasz Rajchert
"Lionel Sow \/ fot. \u0141ukasz Rajchert"
Lionel Sow
Artistic Director of NFM Choir

Since 2011, when Lionel Sow took over running the Orchestre de Paris Chorus, he has developed a major training project in which pedagogy plays a pivotal role. His desire is not only to provide the Orchestre de Paris with a chorus capable of singing the choral repertoire with passion and talent, but also to enable young singers to be trained in a demanding environment. An academy, a chamber choir, a children's choir and a youth choir have been created between 2012 and 2015.

Before his arrival at the Orchestre de Paris, Lionel Sow successively conducted the Maîtrise des petits chanteurs de Saint-Christophe de Javel, the vocal ensemble les Temperamens and the Maîtrise de Notre Dame de Paris.
In 2017, Lionel Sow joined the Voice and Choral Conducting Department of the Lyon Conservatoire (CNSM). He also regularly collaborates as a guest chorusmaster for professional orchestras and choirs in France and abroad.
Lionel Sow was made Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in January 2011.


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