Accademia dei Piacere / fot. archiwum zespołu
Accademia dei Piacere / fot. archiwum zespołu
Wratislavia Cantans
Crazy in Love
7:00 PM
Wrocław, Aula Leopoldina

Heinrich Isaac, Fahmi Alqhai losado sobre el cantus firmus „La Spagna” 
Mateo Flecha Fantasía y glosado sobre extractos de „La Negrina” 
Santiago de Murcia, Juan García de Zéspedes, Fahmi Alqhai Improvisación sobre guaracha y fandango 
Henry Le Bailly Yo soy la locura
AnonimFahmi Alqhai  Xácaras y folías
Andrea Falconieri Passacalle & ciaccona a tre
José Marín Niña, ¿cómo en tus mudanzas?
Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz Tarantella 
Fahmi Alqhai Glosado sobre „Guárdame las vacas”
Luis de Briceño Ay, amor loco
Gaspar Sanz, Fahmi Alqhai Marionas; Canarios 




Fahmi Alqhai – viola da gamba, artistic direction of Accademia del Piacere
Quiteria Muñoz – soprano
Accademia del Piacere:
Rami Alqhai – viola da gamba
Johanna Rose – viola da gamba
Carles Blanch – Baroque guitar
Javier Núñez – harpsichord
Agustín Diassera – percussion

70 min
Wrocław, Aula Leopoldina
plac Uniwersytecki 1, Wrocław
from 80 to 120 zł

The performance of the Accademia del Piacere, under the artistic direction of Fahmi Alqhai, will be a great opportunity to listen to the little-known works of Spanish early music composers, created in specific conditions. The artists of this country drew inspiration from many surprising sources, thanks to which their work is colourful and intriguing. What were these authors writing about? Above all, about love!

The rulers of 17th-century Spain, fearing “heretical” northern European influences, closed their borders and cultural exchange became much more difficult. Isolation forced the local composers to turn to the folk music of their own country, as well as to ethnic music created in the colonies of the huge Spanish empire, which included areas lying in Europe (such as Naples), in both Americas, in Africa (after all, from the land of the Canary Islands, Columbus set out on an expedition during which he discovered America), Asia and Oceania. Spain at the peak of its power was one of the greatest powers in the history of the world, it was even said that the sun never set over it. In this way, the rhythms of not only Spanish folk dances, but also African and American tunes, imperceptibly crept into court music. In time, these influences spilled over the entire continent, also influencing the work of Italian and German artists.

During the concert, music by seven authors will be presented, as well as anonymous compositions and improvisations by Fahmi Alqhai and his arrangements of folk works. The Glosado sobre el tenor de La Spagna, Fantasía y glossado sobre extractos de la Negrina and Improvisación sobre el Fandango y la Guaracha are the works of Mateo Flecha, born in the Kingdom of Aragon, a Catalan, nicknamed “El Viejo” to distinguish him from his nephew. The Spanish aria Yo soy la locura will sound in an arrangement by Henri de Bailly, a French composer associated with the royal court during the reign of Henry IV and Louis XIII. Italy’s Andrea Falconieri was associated with the Neapolitan court. This evening we will hear his Passacalle & Ciaccona a tre, i.e. arrangements of two Spanish dances. We will also get to know the Niña, como en tus mudanzas by José Marín, an excellent tenor, harpist, guitarist and composer at the Madrid court. He was a priest, but that didn’t stop him from living a riotous, scandalous life. His excesses culminated in a trial for assault, robbery and murder, as a result of which he was sentenced to the galleys. This exuberant temperament is reflected in the music. We will also hear the Ay amor loco by Luis de Briceña, a Spanish composer who contributed to growing interest in guitar music in France. Although it may be hard to believe, in this country at that time the only stringed instrument treated seriously was the lute. The composition presented during the festival is about the madness of love, offering a perfect summary of this colourful and lively music.

In co-production with:

NFM Audio Player - obsługa komponentu Event

NFM Video Panel - obsługa komponentu Event

Hot World. Exhibition of paintings from the collection of Zachęta
Accompanying Event – exhibition opening
6:00 PM
NFM, foyer
Triumph of Time
Lezhneva / Antonini / Il Giardino Armonico
7:00 PM
NFM, Main Hall
Avi Avital – Art of the Mandolin
Avi Avital / Sebastian Wienand
6:00 PM
Wrocław, Pan Tadeusz Museum, Romantic Salon
Kourou – towards Paradise – Środa Śląska
Pedro Memelsdorff / Arlequin Philosophe
7:00 PM
Środa Śląska, Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross
Avi Avital – Art of the Mandolin
Avi Avital / Sebastian Wienand
8:30 PM
Wrocław, Pan Tadeusz Museum, Romantic Salon
Transfer of Ideas
48th Oratorio and Cantata Music Interpretation Course
12:00 PM
NFM, Red Hall
Kourou – towards Paradise
Pedro Memelsdorff / Arlequin Philosophe
4:00 PM
Church of St Stanislaus, St Dorothy and St Venceslaus
Sułkowska-Migoń / Kubas-Kruk / Leopoldinum
7:00 PM
Wrocław, Aula Leopoldina
Jean Rondeau – Follow Me
3:00 PM
Wrocław, Pan Tadeusz Museum, Romantic Salon
Jean Rondeau – Follow Me
5:00 PM
Wrocław, Pan Tadeusz Museum, Romantic Salon
Václav Luks / Collegium 1704
7:00 PM
NFM, Main Hall
Hommage à Markowski
Yaroslav Shemet / Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra
7:00 PM
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Polish National Catholic Cathedral
The Voice of Change – Krotoszyn
Andrzej Kosendiak / Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
7:00 PM
Krotoszyn, Church of St John the Baptist
Travelling to the Source – Bolesławiec
Giorgi Donadze / Ensemble Basiani
7:00 PM
Bolesławiec, Minor Basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary and St Nicholas
The Voice of Change
Andrzej Kosendiak / Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
6:00 PM
Orthodox Cathedral of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Travelling to the Source – Kłodzko
Giorgi Donadze / Ensemble Basiani
8:00 PM
Kłodzko, Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary
The Voice of Change
Andrzej Kosendiak / Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
8:30 PM
Orthodox Cathedral of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Last tickets!
Noye’s Fludde – Children’s Opera
NFM Boys' Choir / NFM Girls' Choir
12:00 PM
NFM, Main Hall
The Voice of Change – Oleśnica
Andrzej Kosendiak / Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
5:00 PM
Oleśnica, Trinity Church
Axis mundi – Nowogrodziec
Música Temprana / Adrián Rodríguez Van der Spoel
7:00 PM
Nowogrodziec, Muza Arts Centre
Travelling to the Source
Giorgi Donadze / Ensemble Basiani
8:00 PM
Church of St Stanislaus, St Dorothy and St Venceslaus
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Last tickets!
The Voice of Change
Andrzej Kosendiak / Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
3:00 PM
Wrocław, Greek Catholic Cathedral of St Vincent and St Jacob
Axis mundi
Música Temprana / Adrián Rodríguez Van der Spoel
4:00 PM
Wrocław, White Stork Synagogue
New Beginnings
Christoph Eschenbach / NFM Wrocław Philharmonic
7:00 PM
NFM, Main Hall

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