Jazztopad Festival
Jazz Morning Kids! Film Matinees with Live Music: Exotic Animals
10:30 AM
Wrocław, Cinema Nowe Horyzonty

Czapu - Czipu - Who's disturbing?
Reksio and the Pelican
Czapu - Czipu - Who's rumbling and honking?
Reksio The Robinson
Czapu - Czipu - Who's swooshing?

In partnership with:



Filip Miguła – piano, synth
Rafał Krzywosz – bass guitar, synth
Kuba Lechki – drums

Wrocław, Cinema Nowe Horyzonty
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21

Something rustles, something rushes,
beautiful music plays.
I see a tail, I see ears!
What a wonderful, wild beast!

The film matinees are Jazztopad’s offer for kids. In the Nowe Horzonty cinema there will be film screenings with live music played by prominent jazz musicians from Wroclaw. The meetings will be on various topics, combining film plots with imagination-stimulating musical tales created ad hoc and thus introducing the young viewers to the world of jazz.

Programme and tickets: www.kinonh.pl



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