Zbigniew Pilch / fot. Łukasz Rajchert
Family Concerts
Musical Puzzles
10:00 AM
NFM, Main Hall

Musical Puzzles

Patron of NFM Education



Małgorzata Podzielny – conductor
Magdalena Dudek – soprano (Ugly Duckling)  
NFM Girls' Choir
NFM Boys' Choir  
NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra
Instrumentalists of the NFM Wrocław Philharmonic
Michał Ziółkowski – composer, special guest

Michał Giersztof – host

60 minutes
NFM, Main Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław
from 10 to 55 zł

Oh, music, music! Free me from it! I have it here, here, cried little Petya, pointing to his head as he complained to his governess, unable to sleep. – It won't leave me alone!

During the day, the boy spent every free moment at the piano, playing and inventing melodies and looking for interesting harmonies. He was used to picking and choosing, pretending to play. One time he became so passionate about this “game”, drumming on a windowpane, that he broke it and injured his hand. “Glass Child” he was called when he was little. Extremely sensitive, incredibly talented. It was from this frail, sensitive boy that one of the most outstanding music creators later grew up Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Who is the composer? How is a piece of music created? What does an artist have in mind when writing a work? How long does it take to compose a three-minute piece and how long does it take to compose a two-hour opera? Can the melody be developed, and the rhythm written down in the form of a figurative pattern? What are the elements of a musical work? These and many other questions will be answered by the artists of the Musical Puzzles concert.

We will learn how a work of music is created. Although score filled with various signs will appear black and white to observers, in fact the sheets of the score will hide the entire palette of sound colours. We will see this when they listen to the finished composition performed by the NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra and children’s choirs. We will experience the magic of music when, thanks to the composer’s imagination, a score is transformed into a work shimmering with all the richness of sound.=

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