Forum Musicum
Crusades: War and Songs - Lecture with Concert
1:00 PM
NFM, Chamber Hall

Jacek Kowalski – lecture, medieval lyra, travel guitar  
Agnieszka Obst-Chwała – fiddle, rebec 

NFM, Chamber Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław
from 10 to 20 zł

The Crusades – the almost two-hundred-year-long struggle between Christians and Muslims for control of the Holy Land – is not only the subject of historical treatises, but also a cultural and pop-cultural phenomenon. Although almost eight centuries have passed since the period in which European knights pushed into the Middle East, the Crusades are still the subject of heated debates, and not only among historians. However, they also invariably stimulate human imagination, finding their place in the process of building the identity of subsequent generations.

During the Forum Musicum, the fascinating history of medieval conflicts will be presented by a contemporary bard, who is also an enthusiast and translator of old French poetry. Jacek Kowalski will talk about those events and present the repertoire related to them. Bringing recognition to this musician, who has been present on the Polish stage for 36 years, are his performances of medieval works in Polish translations. The appeal of these translations is the lively, understandable language that gives the age-old texts contemporary credibility, allowing modern audiences to identify with the protagonists of the stories and legends presented within. Thanks to his recordings and concerts, we will be able to – at least for a short time – look at the world through the eyes of medieval knights. The musician sings in Polish but respects the original melodies and literary and musical forms. Alongside these authentic old songs, he also performs his own works.

Jacek Kowalski is not only a musician, but also a lecturer at the Institute of Art History of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He is a tireless populariser of history. In addition to albums devoted to historic art, he also publishes books. He is the author of, among others, the anthology Niezbędnik krzyżowca. Pieśni i opowieści krucjatowe with compositions by Jaufré Rudel, Marcabru, Theobald IV of Champagne, Le Chastelain de Couci and Gaucelm Faidit. He also promotes historical knowledge through meetings and lectures, and the artist’s second area of ​​interest – after medieval music and poetry – is Old Polish culture.

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