Jazz & World Music
The Great Improvisation - Paweł Kaczmarczyk Audiofeeling Trio feat.Dj & Vj
9:00 PM
NFM, Red Hall

Wars & Kaper DeconstructiON

SECOND PERFORMANCE  (premiere performance at the Kraków Film Music Festival) 




Paweł Kaczmarczyk – piano

Maciej Adamczak – double bass

Dawid Fortuna – drums

Mr. Krime - Dj 


NFM, Red Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław

Bronislaw Kaper and Henryk Wars were one of the first Poles who have set their feet in Hollywood and contributed to the success of American cinema in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Their compositions sounded in more than two hundred American productions, from the 30s to 60s. Though they contributed indisputably to the development of the American film, the names are obscure in Poland. Also, fans of Miles Davis and John Coltrane may be surprised to learn that the famous jazz standards On Green Dolphin Street and Invitation were written by Bronisław Kaper. Polish fans of the interwar songs: Love Forgives All, Cold Rascal, I'm Meeting Her At Nine, hardly mention the name of the author of the pre-war hits: Henryk Wars.  Kasper has forever etched in the history of Polish cinema. As the first Pole, in 1953 he won the Academy Award for best music in the film Lili. The talented Polish jazz pianist and improviser - Paweł Kaczmarczyk, along with his formation Audiofeeling Trio, set his sights on the forgotten repertoire of the masters of Hollywood soundtracks and will subject them to experimental creative deconstruction. This new, original touch is based on the meeting of two styles and clashing the methods of live composition with the classic language of the golden age of Hollywood. It is a real treat for jazz enthusiasts.  Paweł Kaczmarczyk's new album will be released in May 2016. 
Audiofeeling is Paweł Kaczmarczyk's author's ensemble. The musicians present the compositions from the award-winning album Complexity in Simplicity, released by the prestigious ACT Music label. It was this album that opened the door to the pianist's international career. The album won the Album of the Year in the Jazz Top 2009 poll by the Jazz Forum magazine. A sensation was also naming Paweł Kaczmarczyk the Best Pianist of the Year. This nomination broke the several year reign of Leszek Możdżer in this category, and this ranking.

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