@Bywalec @Zagajewski @Stańczyk @Rupociński @Hendrich @Falkiewicz
#EnsembleMusic, #Generation70 #WorldPremiere #MPNResident #sequel #BlindFolds
The rough energy of repetitions, the subtlety of acousmatic experiences, the mathematic precision of complex structures or an image in a nuanced convolution with music – there is nothing composers born in 1970s share except each of them being now artistically mature, each having elaborated their own original language.
Szymon Bywalec was born on February 11, 1974, in Tychy. He studied conducting under Jan Wincenty Hawel at the Academy of Music in Katowice and oboe under Jerzy Kotyczka at the Academy of Music in Kraków before continuing in the masterclasses of Gianluigi Gelmetti and Lothar Zagrosek at Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena. Bywalec was the recipient of two scholarships from the Minister of Culture and Art for his outstanding artistic achievements. In May 2003, he conducted the National Radio Orchestra of Romania at a concert inaugurating the International New Music Week in Bucharest, after being honoured with the Die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung scholarship granted by the Warsaw Autumn Friends’ Foundation. Bywalec is currently the Director of the Academic Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, and administrator of the Karol Szymanowski Youth Symphony Orchestra, as well as serving as an assistant professor at the Academy of Music in Katowice. He also holds the role of permanent conductor of the New Music Orchestra, which popularizes new music and 20th-century classics. He has appeared with this ensemble at many contemporary music festivals, including Warsaw Autumn.