Zbigniew Pilch / fot. Łukasz Rajchert
Family Concerts
Family Concerts | The Tale of Martinek from Salzburg
10:00 AM
NFM, Main Hall

The Tale of Martinek from Salzburg

J. Pachelbel Canon  in D major,Gigue in D major D-dur 
J.H. Schmelzer Polnische Sackpfeifen, Die Fechtschule
H.I.F. von Biber Battalia  in D major , Nachtwächterruf, Sonata representativa


Zbigniew Pilch – violin & direction
The Violin Consort:
Mikołaj Zgółka – violin
Radosław Kamieniarz – violin
Juliusz Żurawski – viola
Marcin Stefaniuk – viola
Piotr Chrupek – viola
Michał Mazur – viola
Bartosz Kokosza – cello
Janusz Musiał Viennese double bass
Marta Niedźwiecka – harpsichord

NFM, Main Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław
from 10 to 35 zł

There was a boy. He lived some 347 years ago in the very beautiful city of Salzburg. It was a charming boy with a graceful name Martinek. He had wonderful blond curls, his eyes were like cornflowers in the meadow, his face smooth and shiny like milk with rose petals. He was cute but naughty…  

The story of Martinek from Salzburg is inspired by the music of Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber. In the Baroque period, it was a common practice to imitate and creatively translate the sounds of nature into the musical language, which was defined by the expression imitazione della natura. Biber's works that  feature in the concert are a great example of this practice. They will become a musical illustration of the fairy tale. If you want to find out what the future holds for Martinek, we invite you to a concert at the National Forum of Music. A colourful story about Martinek will be presented by The Violin Consort conducted by Zbigniew Pilch, who will talk about the adventures of a small rascal from Salzburg 347 years ago.


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