Repercussion / fot. Łukasz Rajchert
Family Concerts
Clutter Music
12:30 PM
NFM, Main Hall

Radosław Jędraś, Bartłomiej Dudek, Jacek Muzioł, Miłosz Rutkowski – percussive instruments
Jacek Muzioł – host

NFM, Main Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław
from 10 to 40 zł


Can you play on clutter? Is there anything you can not do music with? These are the basic questions we should ask ourselves before we go to this concert.

Repercussion is an ensemble that is not afraid of performing some crazy compositions. The creative spirit and freedom of each of the musicians will make the audience  experience this encounter deeply. In a concert enhanced by theatrical effects there will be a play of lights and movement. Before the audience, everyday objects will transform into full-fledged instruments. On the stage there will be used basketball balls, office items (computer keyboards, pens, punches, rulers, staplers), workshop items (drills, empty oil containers, brake discs and drums, files, saws) and kitchen utensils (plates, glasses, cups, glasses, bowls, cutlery, baking plates, and blenders). Percussion instruments will also prove to be parts of the body - hands, fingers, legs, chests, lips and heads.

During the concert, performers will prove to music lovers big and small that the objects around us can sing. They will show that the world of music goes far beyond the walls of philharmonics, theatres and music schools. It is right next to us - at hand, available anytime. It takes just a little bit of ingenuity and imagination!


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