Vocalconsort Berlin, fot. Kristof Fischer
Wratislavia Cantans
500 Years of Reformation
8:00 PM
Basilica Minor of St Elizabeth

Josquin des Pres (1450–1521) Credo z Missa Gaudeamus
Johann Walter (1496–1570) Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott
Josquin des Pres Victimae paschali laudes
Johann Walter Christ lag in Todesbanden
Johann Hermann Schein (1586–1630) Christ lag in Todesbanden
Gregor Lange (ca. 1540–1587) Velum templi
Josquin des Pres Agnus Dei z Missa Gaudeamus
Johann Walter Verleih uns Frieden
Samuel Besler (1574–1625) Patris sapientia
Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672) Verleih uns Frieden / Gib unsern Fürsten
Josquin des Pres Miserere
Gregor Lange Benedicat tibi
Johann Hermann Schein Erbarm’ dich mein, o Herre Gott
Samuel Besler Ich bitt o Herr
Johann Walter Erbarm’ dich mein, o Herre Gott


Daniel Reuss conductor
Vocalconsort Berlin

Basilica Minor of St Elizabeth
Świętej Elżbiety 1/2, 11-400 Wrocław
from 20 to 70 zł

At the 52nd  International Festival Wratislavia Cantans, we celebrate the 500th  anniversary of the Reformation, which has inspired a unique meeting at St Elizabeth’s Church, almost entirely devoted to Protestant music of the Renaissance and Baroque, as well as to the works of Josquin des Prez, truly worshiped by Martin Luther.

Today, the musical pieces of Josquin des Preza are one of the most revered works of the Renaissance. The Franco-Flemish composer is mainly recognized as the creator of unique religious music which he wrote before the Reformation. In some compositions he used specific numbers of sounds and bars to hide some philosophical messages. Not without reason, Martin Luther himself mentioned the work of des Prez: “While other musicians do what they can do with notes, Josquin does what he wants with them.” Luther held in high esteem also  his close friend Johann Walter. The composer not only co-authored Protestant chorale (which, unlike the Gregorian chant, was sung in mother tongues), but also, on Luther's request, developed a first songbook for the followers of Reformation. Among the Protestant songs sung to date, we also find those by Johannes Eccard. Heinrich Schütz – one of the fathers of the German organist school more than a century later perfected by Johann Sebastian Bach,  is certainly also distinguished in the group of artists responsible for the musical setting of the renaissance and baroque liturgical liturgies.

The pearls of Protestant will be performed by Vocalconsort Berlin. The ensemble was formed in 2003 and since then has collaborated with many renowned conductors, such as Marcus Creed, René Jacobs or Gary Cooper. The musicians specialize in the performance of baroque music, although they are known to have surprised the audience with interesting interpretations of contemporary compositions.

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The 52nd International Festival Wratislavia Cantans 2017
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