Unbody / fot. Anna Zglenicka
Unbody / fot. Anna Zglenicka
NFM Dance
8:00 PM
NFM, Red Hall



Hertz Haus (Magdalena Kowala, Natalia Murawska, Joanna Woźna, Anna Zglenicka) – dance, concept, choreography, costumes 
Rival Consoles, Balanescu Quartet, Murcof, Caterina Barbieri, Fulana, Gilla Band, Orquestra Francisco Canaro, Walter Wanderley, Tzusing – music
Artur Bieńkowski – artistic collaboration
Anna Zglenicka – photography
Producers: Gdańsk Festival of Dance, Zakład Kulturalny

60 minut
NFM, Red Hall
plac Wolności 1, 50-071 Wrocław
from 20 to 55 zł

Let’s look at the human body. Here is the finished form known to everyone. However, it cannot be assumed that human bodies are identical. People are physically different, there is more than one way to be physically human. The motivation to create the performance is anxiety caused by excessive belief in the stability of this form and its uniform ‘correctness’.

The performance is a study of the body, breaking it down into primary factors, deconstruction and checking what this change brings; obtaining a complete picture of human tissues by changing perspectives: from the unconscious, everyday presence of the body in its truncated functionality – visible and imperceptible at the same time, by opening all its dimensions to sensual tangibility. 1000+ body puzzles, the plasticine of body parts, a body intelligence quiz. Zooming in onto the body as a specific form that we want to destroy. How will decomposition affect its perception? Will it still be an acceptable form? Is the body that does not fit the accepted canon able to assimilate with the environment and with its own new structure?

Hertz Haus is a group founded in 2018. The artists create their own aesthetics, using contemporary and physical dance, as well as improvisation and performative actions, they strive to create their own language of movement. The current seat of the group is Zakład Kulturalny in Gdańsk, founded on the initiative of its owner, Natalia Murawska. It is a place of realisation of artistic projects from various artistic disciplines. In 2019, the dancers founded the Córy Kultury (Daughters f Culture) association, whose mission is to bring dance to many recipients, create a repertoire and an artistic-cum-educational programme.

The performance was created as part of a residency during the Gdańsk Festival of Dance, with the support of Zakład Kulturalny. The organiser of the Polish Dance Network is the National Institute of Music and Dance. Co-financed from the funds of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

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