Al femminile – the ways of women

This year’s Forum Musicum presents the works and lives of women composers at the times when women’s social position curbed their access to artistic professions. Exceptional talent, the patronage of their fathers, husbands or the church hierarchy as well as associations with royal or aristocratic courts enabled only very few women composers to be active in this profession.

Edition 2017
Music from Nunneries to the Glory of Holy Women
8:00 PM
Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St Bartholomew
Anna Bon – Sonatas for Flute and Harpsichord
8:00 PM
Wrocław, Oratorium Marianum
Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre – Violin Sonatas and Cantatas
8:00 PM
Evangelical-Augsburg Church of Divine Providence
Di Madalena Casulana il secondo libro de madrigali a quattro voci
8:00 PM
Wrocław, Town Hall, Principal Room
O che nuovo stupor! What New Wonders!
8:00 PM
Wrocław, Oratorium Marianum

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