Jacek Sotomski / fot. archiwum artysty
Jacek Sotomski

Jacek Sotomski, urodzony 2 czerwca 1987 r., jest kompozytorem, multiinstrumentalistą, performerem, improwizatorem, aranżerem, korepetytorem. Występuje jako epizodyczny aktor w serialu paradokumentalnym Dlaczego Ja? Jest też laureatem nagród na konkursach kompozytorskich, zdobywcą drugiego miejsca w konkursie Pokemony w Borku, beneficjentem stypendiów artystycznych, byłym pracownikiem sezonowym w małych i dużych przedsiębiorstwach. Mieszka i tworzy we Wrocławiu.


Jacek is an Olsztyn born composer, a graduate of composition under Agata Zubel and Cezary Duchnowski at the Karol Lipinski Music Academy in Wrocław.
His compositions were performed at various festivals, including: World Music Days, Young Composers Meeting, Warsaw Autumn, Musica Polonica Nova, Adoptions, Festival Licenses, Musica Electronica Nova, Cinegogue, Ostrava Music Days, Cinemascope - in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Belarus. He also wrote music for plays that were staged at festivals and later included in the repertoire of Polish theatres.
Sotomski has also been actively participating in numerous projects, workshops and courses with such ensembles as musikFabrik, Adapter, orkest de ereprijs, BERG Orchestr in Prague, NFM Leopoldinum Chamber Orchestra as well as in master classes with Jennifer Walshe, Bernhard Langiem, François Sarhan, Rebecca Saunders, Lucia Ronchetti, Peter Ablinger, Cathy van Eck.
In 2011, with Mikołaj Laskowski, he founded the sultan hagavik band, which uses old cassette players as instruments. So far they have released three full-length albums.

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