Małgorzata Gontarz

Małgorzata Gontarz graduated with honours from the Warsaw School of Economics, majoring in International Economic Relations. She also studied as part of the Community of European Management Schools programme at Copenhagen Business Schools and took a course at the London School of Coaching. From the beginning of her professional career, she has been associated with the American strategic consulting company McKinsey&Company, advising clients, leading institutions from the private and public sectors, in building strategies in the area of Global Business Services, which has resulted in the inflow of many foreign investments to Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2010, she has been working in the McKinsey&Company Knowledge Center in Wrocław, which focuses on working for clients from the EMEA region. In 2015, she became the first Polish-born director of the McKinsey Knowledge Center, a position she still holds today, responsible for building strategies, creating innovative solutions and implementing them for McKinsey clients around the world. At the same time, she continues work with clients in the GBS area in Europe.

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