Tomasz Daroch

Tomasz Daroch ukończył z wyróżnieniem Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst w Mannheimie oraz Akademię Muzyczną im. G. i K. Bacewiczów w Łodzi, w której to wykłada od 2013 r. Kształcił się pod kierunkiem Michaela Flaksmana, Juliusa Bergera, Jeleny Očić oraz Stanisława Firleja, a także podczas kursów mistrzowskich u Bernarda Greenhouse’a, Miklósa Perényiego, Heinricha Schiffa, Fransa Helmersona, Gary’ego Hoffmana i Davida Geringasa.

Tomasz Daroch jest laureatem wielu międzynarodowych konkursów wiolonczelowych, W. Lutosławskiego w Warszawie (I nagroda i Grand Prix), P. Casalsa w Budapeszcie (II nagroda), A. Janigro w Zagrzebiu (III nagroda) czy Internationaler Instrumentalwettbewerb w Markneukirchen (I nagroda).

Jako solista zadebiutował w wieku 14 lat i od tamtej pory koncertuje w kraju i za granicą, na Węgrzech, w Czechach, Chorwacji, Niemczech, Austrii, Szwajcarii, Holandii, Belgii, Finlandii, Szwecji, Rosji, we Włoszech, Francji oraz w Stanach Zjednoczonych.


Tomasz Daroch graduated with distinction from Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim, Germany, and the Academy of Music in Łódź. He has studied under Michael Flaksman, Jelena Očić, Stanisław Firlej, and Julius Berger.
He has competed internationally as a cellist and in recent years has been awarded 1st prize and Grand Prix at the 8th Witold Lutosławski International Cello Competition in Warsaw (2011), and 2nd prize at the Pablo Casals International Cello Competition in Budapest (2014). He has been awarded numerous scholarships from organisations such as the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Łódź Province Marshal, Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg, the Lions Club, and Menuhin Live Music Now in Germany.

As a solo and chamber musician, Tomasz Daroch has performed at international festivals across Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Croatia, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, and the USA. For many years he has also formed a key part of his family ensemble the Daroch Trio, alongside his sisters Anna (violin) and Maria (piano). He also regularly performs with the Polish Cello Quartet, a group he co-founded in 2012. Tomasz’s Daroch many recordings include performances for the Polish television channels and Polish, German and French radio stations, including NDR Kultur, SWR, BR-Klassik and Espace 2. Most recently, he has recorded the albums Discoveries by the Polish Cello Quartet (CD Accord), Piano Trios by Daroch Trio (DUX) and Lutosławski’s Cello Concerto performed with the NFM Wrocław Philharmonic Orchestra under Jacek Kaspszyk, for the Witold Lutosławski: Opera Omnia Vol. 6 (CD Accord).


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